Three velocities — all on target
SameSite Accuracy is the capability to use three different velocity slugs without adjusting your sights.
Lightfield Ammunition, the industry Leader in sabot slug technology, has produced it’s Hybred Series of sabot slugs to take shotgun accuracy to a level that has never been achieved in the shooting industry before. Sight-in your rifled barrel slug gun using Hybred Lites (reduced recoil sabot) and you have field sighted the gun for all three velocity ranges including the 3” Hybred – Elite Magnum.
With the Lightfield’s “SameSite™ Accuracy” system you leave the range knowing that Lightfield advance Hybred technology keeps you on target regardless of which 12 ga. Hybred you choose to use on your hunt. Whether you see it as a time saver or money saver, or simply a more convenient way to confirm you’re on target, you’ll quickly see the advantages of our “SameSite™ Accuracy”. Despite the differences in velocity, where one of these slugs goes, the other will follow.
Why Lightfield?
Lightfield Ammunition Corporation specializes in manufacturing the hardest hitting, most accurate saboted slugs available to today’s hunters for use in both rifled and smoothbore shotgun barrels. The various slugs that make up the Lightfield product line utilize two distinctly innovative designs, each design functioning similarly to the other to produce superior accuracy even at extended ranges. During that all-important split second immediately after a slug is fired and prior to its exiting the barrel, each design ensures that maximum spin is imparted to the locked sabot/slug assembly. Once free of the gun barrel the designs produce incredible projectile stability through both the supersonic and especially the subsonic phases of the slug’s flight. Maximized projectile spin rate and flight stability are the most important factors when incomparable consistency and accuracy are the goals.